Eco tus phooj ywg cork vegular tawv npuag rau ua khau thiab hnab tes
Cork TawvMuaj kev du, ci ua tiav, ib qho kev pom uas txhim kho lub sijhawm. Nws yog dej tiv taus, nplaim hluav taws xob tiv taus thiab hypooallergenic. Tsib caug ib xees ntawm qhov ntim ntawm cork yog huab cua thiab yog li cov khoom lag luam tsim los ntawmCork Vegan Vausyog sib zog dua lawv cov tawv counterparts. Lub Honeycomb Cell Qauv ntawm Cork ua rau nws zoo heev insulator: thermally, electrically, electrically thiab acoustically. The high friction coefficient of cork means that it is durable in situations where there is regular rubbing and abrasion, such as the treatment we give our purses and wallets. Elasticity ntawm Cork tuaj yeem lav tias muaj cov tawv nqaij tawv yuav khaws nws cov duab thiab vim tias nws tsis nqus hmoov av nws yuav nyob huv. Zoo li txhua cov ntaub ntawv, qhov zoo tshaj ntawm Cork sib txawv: muaj xya qib kawm, thiab zoo tshaj plaws Cork yog tus thiab tsis muaj kev thuam.
Eco Apple Vegan Kev Ua Phooj Ywg Tawv Cov tawv nqaij Rolls Bio-based tawv rau lub hnab sab saud
1.Qhov no yog cov ntawv ntawm Vegan PU Faux tawv. Biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus los ntawm 10% mus rau 100%, peb tseem hu biobased tawv. Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv faux tawv faux tawv thiab cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj tsiaj cov khoom lag luam.
2. Peb muaj cov ntawv pov thawj USDA thiab tuaj yeem muab dai daim rau koj dawb uas qhia txog% biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus.
3. Nws cov ntsiab lus biobased carbon tuaj yeem yog mekas.
4. Nws yog tus uas du thiab muag muag zoo. Nws cov chaw ua tiav yog ntuj thiab qab zib.
5. Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab waterproof.
6. Nws tau siv dav ntawm cov hnab tes thiab khau.
Eco Hauv Pineapple Vegan Tawv Xyoob bambo fiber biobased tawv rau cov handbags
Xa tus lus nug rau peb, cov qauv dawb yog muaj.
1.Qhov no yog cov ntawv ntawm Vegan PU Faux tawv. Biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus los ntawm 10% mus rau 100%, peb tseem hu biobased tawv. Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv faux tawv faux tawv thiab cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj tsiaj cov khoom lag luam.
2. Peb muaj cov ntawv pov thawj USDA thiab tuaj yeem muab dai daim rau koj dawb uas qhia txog% biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus.
3. Nws cov ntsiab lus biobased carbon tuaj yeem yog mekas.
4. Nws yog tus uas du thiab muag muag zoo. Nws cov chaw ua tiav yog ntuj thiab qab zib.
5. Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab waterproof.
6. Nws tau siv dav ntawm cov hnab tes thiab khau.
ECO Tus phooj ywg xyoob Vegano Vegan Tawv Me Me Me Rau Cov Khaub Ncaws Rau Cov Khaub Ncaws Thiab Nkawm Khau
1.Qhov no yog cov ntawv ntawm Vegan PU Faux tawv. Bio raws li cov roj cario raws li 10% mus rau 100%, peb tseem hu tawv biobased. Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv faux tawv faux tawv thiab cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj tsiaj cov khoom lag luam.
2. Peb muaj cov ntawv pov thawj USDA thiab tuaj yeem muab dai daim rau koj dawb uas qhia txog% biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus.
3. Nws cov ntsiab lus biobased carbon tuaj yeem yog mekas.
4. Nws yog tus uas du thiab muag muag zoo. Nws cov chaw ua tiav yog ntuj thiab qab zib.
5. Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab waterproof.
6. Nws tau siv dav ntawm cov hnab tes thiab khau.
Cog fiber ntau pawg biocus bio Tawv Rolls Pineapple vegan Tawv rau cov hnab looj tes, khau thiab siv tawv
1.Qhov no yog cov ntawv ntawm Vegan PU Faux tawv. Bio raws li cov roj cario raws li 10% mus rau 100%, peb tseem hu tawv biobased. Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv faux tawv faux tawv thiab cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj tsiaj cov khoom lag luam.
2. Peb muaj cov ntawv pov thawj USDA thiab tuaj yeem muab dai daim rau koj dawb uas qhia txog% biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus.
3. Nws cov ntsiab lus biobased carbon tuaj yeem yog mekas.
4. Nws yog tus uas du thiab muag muag zoo. Nws cov chaw ua tiav yog ntuj thiab qab zib.
5. Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab waterproof.
6. Nws tau siv dav ntawm cov hnab tes thiab khau.
Apple Vegan tawv Sustainable Pob Kws Bio Tawv yob rau cov hnab thiab khau
1.Qhov no yog cov ntawv ntawm Vegan PU Faux tawv. Bio raws li cov roj cario raws li 10% mus rau 100%, peb tseem hu tawv biobased. Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv faux tawv faux tawv thiab cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj tsiaj cov khoom lag luam.
2. Peb muaj cov ntawv pov thawj USDA thiab tuaj yeem muab dai daim rau koj dawb uas qhia txog% biobased carbon cov ntsiab lus.
3. Nws cov ntsiab lus biobased carbon tuaj yeem yog mekas.
4. Nws yog tus uas du thiab muag muag zoo. Nws cov chaw ua tiav yog ntuj thiab qab zib.
5. Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab waterproof.
6. Nws tau siv dav ntawm cov hnab tes thiab khau.
Cov ntaub qhwv tawv tawv tawv cov ntaub rau cov hnab, khau thiab upholstery
A. Qhov no yogGrs rov siv tawv, nws lub hauv paus npuag yog los ntawm cov hwj yas muab rov qab. Peb muaj Grs PU, microfiber, suede microfiber thiab pvc, peb yuav qhia cov ntsiab lus.
Cov Khoom Siv Uas Siv Rov QabCov. Nws yog nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog tus qauv ntawm cov neeg tab tom nrhiav kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.
C. Nws cov ntaub ntawv raw yog xaiv tau zoo thiab zoo yog qhov zoo.
D. Nws lub cev nqaij daim tawv yog tib yam li cov tawv hluavtaws hluav taws xob ntau.
Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab nrog high hydrolysis. Nws ruaj khov yog nyob ib ncig ntawm 5-8 xyoos.
E. Nws qhov kev ntxhib los mos yog qhov zoo thiab meej. Nws txhais tes kev xav yog mos thiab zoo li yog tawv tiag.
F. Nws cov tuab, xim, ntaub ntawv, ntaub npuag, ua tiav cov tsiaj txhu thiab cov yam ntxwv zoo txhua tus tuaj yeem raug kho tau raws li koj cov lus thov.
GRsNtawv pov thawj! Peb muaj kev tsim nyog los ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws rov ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws. Peb tuaj yeem qhib cov ntawv pov thawj SCS TC rau koj uas tuaj yeem pab koj ntawm cov khoom lag luam nce qib thiab kev ua lag luam.
Tus Qauv Tsim Tshiab Eco Tawv Rov Ua Dua tawv tawv upholsy Fabrics Rau Cov Rooj Tog Zaum Tsev Kho Vaj Tsev Kho Kom Zoo Nkauj
A. Qhov no yogGrs rov siv tawv, nws lub hauv paus npuag yog los ntawm cov hwj yas muab rov qab. Peb muaj Grs PU, microfiber, suede microfiber thiab pvc, peb yuav qhia cov ntsiab lus.
Cov Khoom Siv Uas Siv Rov QabCov. Nws yog nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog tus qauv ntawm cov neeg tab tom nrhiav kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.
C. Nws cov ntaub ntawv raw yog xaiv tau zoo thiab zoo yog qhov zoo.
D. Nws lub cev nqaij daim tawv yog tib yam li cov tawv hluavtaws hluav taws xob ntau.
Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab nrog high hydrolysis. Nws ruaj khov yog nyob ib ncig ntawm 5-8 xyoos.
E. Nws qhov kev ntxhib los mos yog qhov zoo thiab meej. Nws txhais tes kev xav yog mos thiab zoo li yog tawv tiag.
F. Nws cov tuab, xim, ntaub ntawv, ntaub npuag, ua tiav cov tsiaj txhu thiab cov yam ntxwv zoo txhua tus tuaj yeem raug kho tau raws li koj cov lus thov.
GRsNtawv pov thawj! Peb muaj kev tsim nyog los ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws rov ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws. Peb tuaj yeem qhib cov ntawv pov thawj SCS TC rau koj uas tuaj yeem pab koj ntawm cov khoom lag luam nce qib thiab kev ua lag luam.
Grs tawv tawv rov ua tawv rau cov khau thiab khau
A. Qhov no yogGrs rov siv tawv, nws lub hauv paus npuag yog los ntawm cov hwj yas muab rov qab. Peb muaj Grs PU, microfiber, suede microfiber thiab pvc, peb yuav qhia cov ntsiab lus.
Cov Khoom Siv Uas Siv Rov QabCov. Nws yog nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog tus qauv ntawm cov neeg tab tom nrhiav kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.
C. Nws cov ntaub ntawv raw yog xaiv tau zoo thiab zoo yog qhov zoo.
D. Nws lub cev nqaij daim tawv yog tib yam li cov tawv hluavtaws hluav taws xob ntau.
Nws yog hnav-resistant, kua muag-resistant thiab nrog high hydrolysis. Nws ruaj khov yog nyob ib ncig ntawm 5-8 xyoos.
E. Nws qhov kev ntxhib los mos yog qhov zoo thiab meej. Nws txhais tes kev xav yog mos thiab zoo li yog tawv tiag.
F. Nws cov tuab, xim, ntaub ntawv, ntaub npuag, ua tiav cov tsiaj txhu thiab cov yam ntxwv zoo txhua tus tuaj yeem raug kho tau raws li koj cov lus thov.
GRsNtawv pov thawj! Peb muaj kev tsim nyog los ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws rov ua cov khoom siv hluavtaws. Peb tuaj yeem qhib cov ntawv pov thawj SCS TC rau koj uas tuaj yeem pab koj ntawm cov khoom lag luam nce qib thiab kev ua lag luam.
Nubuck Microfiber Taus Rau Nkawm khau
1. Zoo heev tes zoo siab & nyiam kov, tib yam li tawv tawv tiag.
2. Lwj Laim hnyav dua li tawv tawv tiag. Microfiber Tawv rau lub rooj zaum rooj yog feem ntau 500gsm - 700gsm.
3. Kev ua tau zoo dua li tawv tawv tiag tiag. Tensile Strenht, rhuav lub zog, kua muag lub zog, tev muaj zog, puas ua rau muaj zog, harolysis tsis kam raws txhua yam ntawm tawv tawv tiag.
4. Kev ntxhib los mos & xim tuaj yeem yog customized, zam qauv.
5. Yooj yim los ntxuav.
6. Muaj peev xwm nce mus txog 100% tus nqi siv!
Ruaj khov siab nrawm ob chav duab microfiber tawv ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg rov ua dua tshiab
Breathable zoo heev, noo noo-ntawv pov thawj kev ua yeeb yam, sib koom ua kom txaus siab kov tau raws li tawv.
Classic Nruab Nrab Loj Litchi Txawv Microfiber Tawv Rau Cov Handbags
Litchi microfiber Tawv zoo li thiab zoo nkaus.
High plooj thiab trim lub zog, yooj yim rau ntau lawm.
Super Durability, ntau ruaj dua li cov tawv tsiaj.
Li niaj zaus yob loj thiab khaub ncaws tuab zoo nkauj.
30% hnyav dua li cov tawv tsiaj ua si, roj ntau roj.
Eco-phooj ywg.