• boze tawv

Kev lag luam xov xwm

  • Yuav ua li cas txog lub ntiaj teb bio-based ua lag luam?

    Yuav ua li cas txog lub ntiaj teb bio-based ua lag luam?

    Bio based material is in its nascent stage with research and developments going on to widen its use significantly due to its renewable and eco-friendly characteristics. Cov khoom lag luam bio yog xav tias yuav muaj kev loj hlob nyob tom kawg ib nrab ntawm lub sijhawm kwv yees. Bio Tawv tawv tawv yog tsim o ...
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  • Koj xaiv qhov kawg? biobased tawv-3

    Koj xaiv qhov kawg? biobased tawv-3

    Synthetic lossis Faux tawv yog kev lim hiam-dawb thiab kev coj zoo ntawm nws cov tub ntxhais. Synthetic leather behaves better in terms of sustainability than the leather of animal origin, but it is still made of plastic and it is still harmful. Muaj peb hom hluavtaws lossis faux tawv: PU tawv (polyurethane), ...
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  • Koj xaiv qhov kawg? biobased tawv-2

    Koj xaiv qhov kawg? biobased tawv-2

    Cov tawv ntawm cov tsiaj keeb kwm yog cov khaub ncaws tsis muaj zog. Cov tawv kev lag luam tsis yog lim hiam xwb ntawm cov tsiaj, nws tseem yog qhov ua kom muaj kuab paug loj thiab dej pov tseg. Ntau tshaj 170,000 tons ntawm chromium cov khib nyiab tau tso rau hauv ib puag ncig thoob plaws thoob ntiaj teb txhua xyoo. Chromium yog ib tug heev lom ...
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  • Koj xaiv qhov kawg? Biobased tawv-1

    Koj xaiv qhov kawg? Biobased tawv-1

    Muaj kev sib cav sib ceg txog tsiaj tawv tsiaj thiab cov tawv nqaij hluavtaws. Qhov twg yog nyob rau yav tom ntej? Hom twg yog qhov tsis zoo rau ib puag ncig? Cov neeg tsim khoom ntawm cov tawv tiag hais tias lawv cov khoom yog cov khoom lag luam zoo dua thiab cov roj ntsha-degradable. Cov neeg tsim khoom ntawm hluavtaws qhia qhia peb tias lawv cov khoom ...
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  • Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tsheb rau tsheb?

    Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tsheb rau tsheb?

    Cov tawv tawv tau muab faib ua cov tawv taub hau tsheb thiab twm tsheb los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv tsim khoom. Lub taub hau scalper lub tawv muaj cov hmoov nplej zoo thiab txhais tes muag muag xav, thaum lub tsheb buffalo muaj cov tes nyuaj thiab cov tawv tawv. Tsheb tawv tawv rooj yog ua los ntawm cov tawv tawv. Tawv L ...
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  • Qee txoj kev qhia yuav ua li cas yuav cov tawv faux

    Qee txoj kev qhia yuav ua li cas yuav cov tawv faux

    Faux tawv yog feem ntau siv rau upholstery, hnab, plastets, thiab lwm yam khoom siv uas tau siv ntau. Tawv yog qhov zoo nkauj thiab zam rau ob qho rooj tog thiab khaub ncaws. Muaj ntau cov txiaj ntsig los xaiv Faux Tawv rau koj lub cev lossis hauv tsev. Tawv tawv tuaj yeem yog qhov pheej yig, kev zam ...
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  • Dab tsi yog Vinyl & PVC tawv?

    Dab tsi yog Vinyl & PVC tawv?

    Vinyl yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kev hloov chaw rau tawv. Tej zaum nws yuav raug hu ua "Faux tawv" lossis "tawv cuav." Ib hom yas cob, nws tau los ntawm chlorine thiab ethylene. Lub npe tau muab tau los ntawm tag nrho lub npe ntawm cov khoom, polyvinylchloride (PVC). Raws li vinyl yog cov khoom siv hluavtaws, nws kuv ...
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  • 3 txawv hom tsheb Tawv

    3 txawv hom tsheb Tawv

    Muaj 3 hom rooj zaum hauv tsheb, ib qho yog cov ntaub npuag thiab lwm cov rooj zaum yog tawv tawv (tawv tawv thiab khoom siv hluavtaws). Cov ntaub sib txawv muaj cov haujlwm sib txawv thiab cov kev nplij siab sib txawv. 1. Npuag tsheb lub rooj zaum cov khoom siv ntaub yog lub rooj zaum ua los ntawm cov khoom siv fiber ntau li cov ...
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  • Qhov sib txawv ntawm PU Tawv, Microfiber Tawv thiab Cov Tawv Tseem?

    Qhov sib txawv ntawm PU Tawv, Microfiber Tawv thiab Cov Tawv Tseem?

    1.Qhov qhov sib txawv hauv tus nqi. At present, the general price range of ordinary PU on the market is 15-30 (meters), while the price range of general microfiber leather is 50-150 (meters), so the price of microfiber leather is several times that of ordinary PU. 2.Qhov kev ua tau zoo ntawm txheej saum npoo yog ...
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  • Cov nqi thauj khoom hiav txwv hiav txwv tau ua rau 460%, nws puas yuav nqes mus?

    Cov nqi thauj khoom hiav txwv hiav txwv tau ua rau 460%, nws puas yuav nqes mus?

    1. Vim li cas yog cov neeg muag khoom hiav txwv yuav raug nqi li tam sim no? Koobid 19 yog kev sib cav sib ceg fuse. Ntws yog qee qhov tseeb cuam tshuam ncaj qha; Lub Nroog LockDown qeeb qeeb thoob ntiaj teb kev lag luam. Kev lag luam tsis txaus ntawm Suav teb thiab lwm lub tebchaws ua rau muaj kev tsis muaj. Tsis muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm seacort thiab ntau cov ntim yog pawg ...
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  • Automotive Rooj Npog Kev Pab Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam

    Automotive Rooj Npog Kev Pab Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam

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