Microfiber Tawv Rau Cov Rooj Tog Zaum
Tsis yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv anti stain semi nplaum microfiber Tawv
Zoo siab li Alcantara, Semi Silic Silicoone Tawv Rau Cov Rooj Tog Zaum.
Zoo xim ceev ceev rau lub teeb.
Ua zoo heev tsis kam.
Tus nqi sib tw heev.
Rooj tog txaj Classic de7 qauv microfiber tawv npog cov ntaub ntawv
1.Cov calf ntawm microfiber tawv yog muag thoob ntiaj teb. Nws yog qog ua kua tawv. The microfiber material are more and more accepted by people due to its advantage as below and the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection and animal protection!
3. Lub microfiber Tawv yog Breathable, coj cov muaj kev puas tsuaj thiab kos pov thawj! Piv nrog cov tawv tiag tiag, cov tshuaj lom neeg thiab lub cev ntawm lub cev ntawm PU Microfiber tawv tib yam lossis zoo dua li cov tawv tawv tiag. Nws tseem muaj tus nqi txiav siab. Tus nqi yog tsawg heev. Nws tuaj yeem txo tus nqi ntawm cov khau thiab nce kev sib tw hauv kev ua lag luam.
Kub Muag Classic Litchi Txawv Microfiber Taus Rau Cov Rooj Tog Zaum Npog Npog Khoom
1, cov tawv microfiber rau cov rooj tog yog kev tawm tsam cov mildew, tsis muaj ntxhiab. Khaws cov huab cua sab hauv.
2, xis nyob lub rooj kev xav, kom lub cev so thiab xis nyob.
3, Kev laus tiv taus, lub sijhawm ntev.
4, kev siv ntau piv. ze li 100%.
5, tswj tau yooj yim thiab huv si.